Cognia Accredited | 2022 National Blue Ribbon School | College Prep

“Choosing Skutt Catholic was the best decision. We all just try to help each other and that makes for a good high school experience.”

- Chelsea ‘23


An important aspect of our mission at V.J. and Angela Skutt Catholic High School is to foster a caring and justice-oriented school family that is always reaching out and responding to the needs of others. Our Living the Gospel Service Program encourages and guides students to live out the message and mandate of Jesus Christ: love one another; even as I have loved you” (John 13:34). 

This is why we ask our already-busy students to fulfill Living the Gospel Service Hours and attend a Community Involvement Day throughout the academic year and summer. Each grade level is required to complete a certain amount of service hours each year, but many of our students go above and beyond in their dedication and commitment to service. We hope to inspire and equip every student for a lifetime of Christian Service!


Skutt Catholic High School utilizes an online service program called Helper Helper (found on all students’ iPads).  Freshmen and Transfer Students receive their login information and user tutorial when school begins. For all service done over the summer, Freshman and Transfer Students are encouraged to obtain a site supervisor’s signature verifying their service hours.

For quicker questions you might have on deadlines, requirements, upcoming opportunities, or how to log hours, please check out our service hub below (click on an image to pull up the full document):


Skutt Catholic High School utilizes an online service program called Helper Helper (found on all students’ iPads).  Freshmen and Transfer Students receive their login information and user tutorial when school begins. For all service done over the summer, Freshman and Transfer Students are encouraged to obtain a site supervisor’s signature verifying their service hours so they can log these hours by August 30.


Community Involvement Day is a wonderful “Hawktober” tradition that has since been broken up into two days (October 2, 2024 & April 9, 2025). Instead of having regular classes, the student body leaves school to visit various agencies and schools that serve nursing home residents, the unhoused or food-insecure, children in need of mentors, or those with special needs in the Omaha Metro. Community Involvement Day helps students and faculty learn about and work alongside the people and agencies that serve the most vulnerable in our community. This academic year, our 725+ students across 50 HawkTime classrooms will spend time with 25+ different sites across the two dates!


Skutt Catholic Service Trips offer participants the wonderful opportunity to deepen their commitment to the call of the Gospel, grow in their faith as they share it with one another, and work for justice in our world today. Our hope  is that these trips instill a continued desire to serve and be in solidarity with one another.  Since 2001, over 400 students have participated in a service trip!

The Rosebud Service Trip was hosted in June! We partner directly with community organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club of Rosebud or Tree of Life Ministry. In the evenings, we have time for prayer, spiritual reflections led by some of our graduates in college, studying God’s word, and discussing how that applies to our lives. We also have daily Mass, opportunities for personal prayer, and opportunities to connect with people in the local community! Stay tuned for the dates of the 2025 Summer Rosebud Trip!

Other trips include Tijuana with the Guardians and the newly-revived SkyHawks in the City!

What have students said about previous trips?


The most fun I have ever had!

I learned to be Christ to others!


Danielle Crotty
Service Coordinator

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me…Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:35-40

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