*** Online Registration is Closed. Please get in touch with Tim Bloomingdale if you would like to take the practice exam: timbloomingdale@skuttcatholic.com. ***
All current sixth and seventh graders are invited to take the Skutt Catholic Practice Exam schedule for Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 9 a.m.
We will be administering the PreACT 8/9 this year. The test is a measurement of educational development and will consist of a standardized assessment of reading, math, English and science. This is the same test we will use for the Entrance Exam in January, 2026. Keep in mind that this test is written for those at the 8th grade level and is just for practice.
The test will begin at 9 a.m. and end at approximately 11:45 a.m. A pizza lunch will follow the exam. You may also register your student for a workshop which will take place following lunch. Please choose only one option when registering.
Would you like to see your DNA? Come learn some Biotechnology and Chemistry techniques in these fun lab activities.
Let your creativity soar and discover new and fun techniques with art. All supplies provided.
Find out how SC produces so many state champions. Learn various plyometric exercises to enhance your performance no matter what sport you participate in and then practice these techniques in our weight room. Clothing suitable for exercising should be worn.