We believe all families who desire a Catholic education for their child should have that opportunity. Our need-based Financial Assistance / Work Study Program is available for those who qualify through an application process. Starting September 15, you can apply for financial assistance here.
We use FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment to determine the financial needs of families. This system takes into account college expenses, other private school tuition, medical costs, general household expenses and other factors in determining the need for a family. We then work with families individually to make a Skutt Catholic education a reality for each family.
Applicants will apply online for a fee of $40 (only one fee per family including children at other schools). This is the same online assessment tool used by many of the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Omaha.
Your FACTS application will also be used to determine your family’s eligibility for Archdiocesan high school tuition assistance, so only one application is necessary. Students who qualify for financial assistance will be placed in our work study program as part of the financial assistance agreement.
During work study, students can perform a variety of duties, including outside maintenance, setting up for events, deeper cleanings during breaks, assisting teachers, etc. Work Study is scheduled around activities and athletics to allow your student to participate in those opportunities as well.
Financial assistance awards will be first distributed to families who have followed the deadlines of the program. Any applications or verification documents submitted after the deadline will be considered for secondary rounds of assistance but may not receive as much assistance as a similar family who applied within the deadlines.
In the application process, you will be required to submit the following documents:
Skutt Catholic has an early verification process for the 2025-2026 school year. We will process financial assistance applications using your prior year tax returns (2023 Tax Returns & W-2’s). For returning students, you will only need to fill out the application and a new 4506-C to be considered for early verification. All families will still need to submit 2024 tax returns prior to April 15, 2025. If 2024 tax returns vary significantly from 2023, we may need to revisit the award amount.
If there are extenuating circumstances and your documents will not be ready on time, please contact Nicole Casey, Director of Family Financial Engagement at nicolecasey@skuttcatholic.com.
We are excited to welcome your family to Skutt Catholic. Anyone who desires financial assistance please fill out an application through the FACTS website. Applications will be reviewed as soon as they are received and verified, and a financial assistance award will be made appropriately.
DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTIONS on using the online application. Complete the ONLINE APPLICATION.
Nicole Casey
Director of Family Financial Engagement
402.333.0818 ext. 5120
Jane Fenner
Please reach out to Jeremy Moore, President to help answer questions about affordability. He can be reached at 402.333.0818 or at jeremymoore@skuttcatholic.com.
Any student enrolled in or applying for admission to Skutt Catholic may apply for financial assistance.
No. A family’s financial circumstances have no effect on admission to our school.
Skutt Catholic has an early verification process for the 2025-2026 school year. We will process financial assistance applications using your prior year tax returns (2023 Tax Returns & W-2’s). For returning students, you will only need to fill out the application and a new 4506-C to be considered for early verification. All families will still need to submit 2024 tax returns prior to April 15, 2025. If 2024 tax returns vary significantly from 2023, we may need to revisit the award amount. If there are extenuating circumstances and your documents will not be ready on time, please contact Nicole Casey, Director of Family Financial Engagement at nicolecasey@skuttcatholic.com.
Yes. Skutt Catholic takes into account the number of children within a family and especially when multiple students are at Skutt Catholic at the same time. We also take into consideration the cost of Catholic education for your grade school students when determining financial aid.
Yes. Skutt Catholic can do an estimate for your family in these types of situations. Please contact Tim Bloomingdale to discuss an estimate to help budget for future tuition costs.
No. There is no clear-cut income limit. The financial assistance process examines many variables, including income, to determine eligibility. Skutt Catholic is unable to fund financial assistance for lifestyle choices but does strive to ensure that all families who desire a Catholic education for their children be allowed to do so.
Yes. You will need to apply each year for financial aid. If your financial situation does not change much from year to year, and all deadlines are followed, you should be able to expect that your aid amount will also remain at a similar level.
Yes. The Archdiocese offers aid to families that qualify. The Skutt Catholic team will submit all applications to the Archdiocese for your family if your family qualifies under their income requirements.
Custodial and non-custodial parents both must apply for financial assistance. Applications should be completed separately. The school considers the financial resources of all living parents and step-parents, and requires the cooperation of all parties before financial aid awards are determined. No financial information will be viewable to another parent online, nor will the school share any financial information submitted by another parent. The school is not bound by any disclaimers of financial responsibility or legal arrangements that may bind either parent. Each case will be considered on a case by case basis.
No. Skutt Catholic offers many payment plan options including annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, biweekly and weekly. Skutt Catholic can also create a custom payment plan that works with your own family’s unique situation.
Yes. Communication is the key throughout the entire year. Please contact contact Nicole Casey, Director of Family Financial Engagement at nicolecasey@skuttcatholic.com to discuss any changes in your circumstances.
No. Catholic education is a sacrifice and a choice that some families decide to make. Each family is expected to commit to a Skutt Catholic education by making some amount of financial investment in the school.
There is an annual non-refundable registration fee of $350 which is due at the time of registration. Textbooks are provided by the school. Uniforms are purchased separately through the school’s Hawk Nest Store. Meals purchased are paid separately to an outsourced lunch provider. Incidentals relating to your students’ athletics and activities would be an additional expense. If your family does not belong to an archdiocesan parish, there will also be a charge of $400 to your account for the parish assessment fee.
Skutt Catholic’s work study program is available only for students who qualify for financial assistance through the school. That being said, for families that wish to have their student participate in the investment of tuition, we suggest that families set up essentially their own work study program with their student and come to an agreement as a family what portion of the tuition the student will be responsible for taking care of through either an outside job during summers or the school year and we can set up a separate payment plan for your student within the FACTS system and your student can come into the business office and make payments on a monthly, weekly or quarterly basis depending on what the family decides and your family can essentially create the same work study system that we offer through the school. For more information on how to do this or scenarios we have helped to create, please contact Nicole Casey, Director of Family Financial Engagement at nicolecasey@skuttcatholic.com.