Cognia Accredited | 2022 National Blue Ribbon School | College Prep


Skutt Catholic students are eligible to earn college credit while attending high school. Students  taking the courses listed on this page at Skutt Catholic have the option of registering for the college course and receiving college credit through University of Nebraska at Omaha, Metropolitan Community College,  and Midland University. Students considering Dual Enrollment credit must meet SC prerequisites and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.


Classes Through Metropolitan Community College:

Registration – Paper Form  – Presentation on registration on Aug. 20 – Application due to Mr. Schumacher – No late applications accepted – No charge for these courses from Metro in the 24-25 school year.

Skutt Catholic Course Name
Metro Course
Credit Hours
Accounting I ACCT 1100 4.5 credit hours
Accounting II ACCT 1110 4.5 credit hours
Accounting III ACCT 1120 4.5 credit hours
AP Calculus AB MATH 2410 7.5 credit hours
AP Calculus BC MATH 2411 7.5 credit hours
AP Drawing ARTS 1010 4.5 credit hours
AP 2-D Art and Design ARTS 1020 4.5 credit hours
AP Macroeconomics ECON 1100 4.5 credit hours
AP Microecononmics ECON 1000 4.5 credit hours 
AP Statistics MATH 14010  4.5 credit hours
AP United State Government & Politics POLS 2050 4.5 credit hours
College Algebra MATH 1425 5 credit hours


Classes Through University of Nebraska at Omaha:

Registration – Online Sign Up Using UNO Site – Teachers Present Info in classroom on TBA Online Application and Parent Signature (by email invite from UNO) must be done on or before TBA- No late applications accepted – $250 per course paid directly to UNO – UNO will communicate billing information.

Skutt Catholic Course Name
UNO Course
Credit Hours
AP Biology  (Semester 1) BIO 1450 5 credit hours
AP Biology  (Semester 2) BIO 1750 3 credit hours
AP English: Literature and Composition (Sem 1) ENGL 1010 3 credit hours
AP English: Literature and Composition (Sem 2) ENGL 1020 3 credit hours
AP Psychology PSYC 1010 3 credit hours
AP Music Theory
MUS 1400 3 credit hours
AP Psychology
PSYC 1010 3 credit hours
Sports Healthcare HEKI 2000 3 credit hours
Sports Officiating KINS 3140 3 credit hours


Classes Through Midland University:

Registration – Online Sign Up Using Midland Site – Teachers Presentation – Online Application and Parent Signature by email invite must be done on or before TBA– No late applications accepted – $250 per course paid directly to Midland – Midland will communicate billing information.

Skutt Catholic Course Name
Midland Course
Credit Hours
AP Chemistry (Semester 1)  CHE 103 4 credit hours
AP Chemistry (Semester 2)    CHE 104 4 credit hours
AP Physics PHI 151 4 credit hours
Biotechnology I BIO 215 4 credit hours
Biotechnology II Pending  


Metropolitan Community College Virtual Delivery Program:

These courses are taught by a Metro Community College instructor to students at Skutt Catholic.
Registration – Paper Form – No charge for tuition for these courses from Metro in the 24-25 school year.
There is NOT an option to take these courses without enrolling for dual enrollment credit.


Intro to Programming INFO 1003 4.5 credit hours



Advanced Programming I – C Sharp I INFO 1526 4.5 credit hours
Advanced Programming II – C Sharp II INFO 1526 4.5 credit hours



Advanced Programming III – Phython I INFO 1499 4.5 credit hours
Advanced Programming IV – Phython II INFO 1500 4.5 credit hours



Advanced Programming V – Java I INFO 1521 4.5 credit hours
Advanced Programming IV – Java II INFO 1531 4.5 credit hours


By participating in the Dual Enrollment program and paying the fee, students not only receive SC graduation credit for the courses but they also receive college credit (transferable to most colleges/universities nationwide).  It is the student’s responsibility to find out if the colleges they are considering will accept the dual enrollment credit. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Registrar’s Office upon completion of a course(s) to have the college transcript sent to the college they will attend after high school graduation. 

Students considering Dual Enrollment credit must meet SC prerequisites and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.

*All courses listed above are subject to review at the university/ college level each fall and are not guaranteed to be part of the dual enrollment program. Those that are approved by the university/ college will be known to the students when the registration period begins in mid to late September.


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