SkyHawks Gone M.A.D. is an award given each month to a student who exemplifies, by their words and deeds, what it means to be a true SkyHawk. M.A.D. stands for our school motto “Make a Difference.” Students are nominated by faculty, other students, and the community. To read about award winners from previous years click on the link below.
“Kirayle is an extremely spirited leader with a natural charisma. His peers respect him because he is honest, friendly, and intelligent.”
and contains an enormous amount of school spirit. He has a passion for our school and his spirit is contagious.”
“As a member of the Guardians, Kirayle has emerged as a faith-filled young man who has courageously strived to lead by example and bring others to the faith. I am extremely proud to call him a brother in Christ.”
“Kirayle has never had a bad day. His positive attitude is infectious. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Monday morning or a Friday night football game. His motor is running, and he’s ready to take on the activity before him. He’s also never hesitant to be nice to everyone he encounters, students and staff alike. It’s a pleasure to work with him on a daily basis.”
“I feel so blessed to know Kirayle. When he enters a room, it fills with joy.”
“I knew that Kirayle had some major leadership potential when I first met him as a sub for his PE class. He looked at me while I was reading through the lesson plans and said “I’ve got this” and proceeded to lead his class of freshmen in a meaningful prayer and then took care of taking them through their warm-ups. In the four years I have been blessed to work with him since, I have found his leadership and positive attitude invaluable. He is able to take a tough situation and find the silver lining and then share that with his peers so that the attitude can shift and positive things can come out of the negative. He is always working toward not only self-improvement, but making sure that other succeed to their highest potential. He is the type of young man that I hope my sons grow up to be, and I’m glad that they are able to be around him at various times through the school year to see his example.”
“Kirayle has many gifts that allow him to interact with many dfferent people. He has been involved in just about every activity a student could participate in during his four years at Skutt Catholic. His friendliness, warmth, zeal for life and for God allow him to be very approachable by all. He has meant a great deal to this community and his future looks very bright.”
“Kirayle is respected by the adults and his peers here at Skutt Catholic because of the way he carries himself. He is outgoing and kind, enthusiastic and smart. He has an infectious personality, is genuine in his interactions with people, and has a gift for making others feel comfortable around him. He is willing to go outside his comfort zone in the classroom, in activities, in service, and all parts of his life. I was so moved by his maturity and grace last spring when he played the role of Jesus, in the Stations of the Cross. I could not be more proud of him for all he has done and for the young man he has become. I know there are amazing things in store for him as he finishes his final year at Skutt Catholic and beyond!”
“Kirayle is a special person. I say this beyond what he has done in the classroom and the playing field. My sons believe that he is the greatest and Kirayle has gone out of his way to interact with them. He has the ability to be inclusive and has such an infectious personality. His future is because of who he has chosen to be and the path that he is on.”
“Connor is a pleasure to have in class. He is always in a good mood and puts forth his best effort in all we do. He comes to class with a smile on his face and does his best to make the best out of every situation or circumstance. He is hardworking and fun to teach!”
“I think sometimes that Connor’s many gifts go unnoticed. I don’t think they should anymore, so this award is a perfect way for his peers to see that when you carry yourself with honor and respect, people do notice. He is one of the most respectful, hard working, motivated, articulate, friendly, young man I have worked with in a long time.”
“Connor is a good student who is very involved in two sports, NHS, and SkyHawks for Life, while also maintaining a job. He is a fantastic student who was selected as the Outstanding Student in C.A.D., an indication that he is a good student and a pretty good example to his peers. He has also earned academic honors every year he has been here and was academic all-conference in both football and baseball last year. And – most importantly to me – he is polite, hard working, articulate, and well respected by his peers.
“Connor is an incredible young man who carries himself with humility. He is an instrumental part of SkyHawks for Life, the football and baseball teams, and is a member of the National Honor Society. He is respectful of all teachers and goes out of his way to have meaningful conversations with them. I am proud to have taught Connor and look forward to hearing how he continues to Make A Difference in this world.”
“Claire was blessed with many God-given talents. While other students may take their talents for granted and simply slide by without much effort, this student seeks to expand herself by fully applying herself to every assignment and project. She puts in all the extra time necessary, helps others who may be struggling, and in the process, all benefit by her example.”
“Claire is the perfect role model for a student at Skutt Catholic. She is very dependable and hard-working. Her time management skills are second to none. She routinely volunteers for all types of projects.”
“Claire is a positive, encouraging person who is a standout leader both in sports, extracurricular activities, and in her school work. She brings energy and warmth to every class and is a joy to be around.”
“Will Hanna is an amazing young man and I am privileged to have had the opportunity to work with him in class and out. He always goes the extra mile – whether completing a lab or assisting me with Big Hawk/Little Hawk activities. He volunteered to decorate freshmen lockers for those Big Hawks that were out of town. He assisted in taking pictures for our latest Samson Go activity. In class, Will works for the answer and respectfully questions when it doesn’t make sense. He has offered to bring specimens from his mother’s vet clinic to bolster our AP Biology curriculum. His classmates think highly of him and he has a wonderful rapport with the adults in our Skutt Catholic family. His generosity is contagious and I look forward to seeing his smile each day in class.”
“Will Hanna is a positive role model. I can’t say enough about Will’s positive attitude and energy. Will works hard on his academics and excels in his classes. Will is always willing to help his peers, inside and outside of class. Will was a leader in AP chemistry last year. He encouraged his fellow students when they were confused about concepts we were learning. I chose Will to receive the American Chemical Society award for outstanding advanced chemistry student because of his success in chemistry. Will makes me smile whenever I see him. Will has asked if he can participate in Chemistry Field Day this year even though he is done taking chemistry at Skutt Catholic. Will Hanna definitely makes a difference at Skutt Catholic.”
“Will is a great person to be around. He lifts others up and can have conversations with any type of person. On senior retreat he thanked his class for letting him move between the different social groups that exists at Skutt Catholic and he really does that well. Will not only is a friendly student, but he is motivated to make a difference even if that means hanging out at school for a few hours before a football game to interact with underclassmen and presenting to freshmen in classes without advanced notice.”
“Will was a top promoter for our February Red Cross drive last year. He signed up many students to be donors, and he encouraged students to stay and go through the process – even though being a donor for the first time can be intimidating. Will made the drive fun by playing music and having a photo booth for people to tweet when they had finished. One donation saves three lives, and I know Will’s encouragement of his classmates increased our SC donations and made the world a more pro-life place.”
“Will is an excellent student! He is hard-working, driven, and responsible. He is also a wonderful human being. His kindness and compassion are evident from the moment you meet him, and his ability to be inclusive with his classmates is very nice to witness.”
“Abbi is a beautiful young woman inside and out. I can see her positive outlook in all that she does. She has a generous and loving spirit. Whether helping someone academically in class or giving of her time and talents to those in need, Abbi models Christ and makes a difference in all the lives she comes into contact with. Classmates look to her as a positive role model and I appreciate the positive rapport she has with all.”
“Abbi is an exceptionally bright, faithful, and talented young woman who never seeks the spotlight and is always ready to serve.”
“Abbi goes above and beyond at Skutt Catholic to be friendly and a role model. Not only is she involved in events and activities, but she does more than what is expected. She is intentionally kind, not just to other students, but to the staff as well. She has been an amazing leader in the past for freshman retreat and on the March for Life as well as participating in many different school run activities and projects. She brings new ideas to all of the groups that she is a part of and recognizes needs in the community, like making a care package for someone she knew with cancer. She is also a phenomenal work study student that is self guided and quick.”
“Abbi is a tremendous leader on the soccer team, on the service trips, and in SkyHawks for Life. Abbi is a generous with her time and a joy to be around. Abbi works hard in all that she does and always strives to be better than she was yesterday. She is a natural leader and demonstrates kindness towards all. She is an incredible example of what a SkyHawk should be; hardworking, honest, kind, and faithful. There is no doubt she deserves this award.”
“Abbi brings a positive attitude to everything she does. She motivates others to be the best people they can be. She has been an important member of our homeroom, each year being an important and generous part of our follow-up activity for CID.”
“Abbi is definitely a leader, but she is a gentle leader. She guides others with kindness and acceptance.”