Through a distinctive, challenging, and continuously-improving academic curriculum, Skutt Catholic aspires to meet every student where they are and help them grow to realize their fullest potential.

Academic excellence is the foundation of our student success.  It is the main driver for parent and student choice for their high school experience as it will set the tone for their postsecondary future.  We must put our self in the position to be the most innovative and active school for student academic growth.  This will be shown by our exceptional learning programs, ACT data, increase of remedial services as well as the commitment to cutting-edge classroom design, technology and educational learning models.  

Wins Google Education tools, Success Study Hall structure, observation plan, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), Behavioral Health Program, and 2022 National Blue Ribbon Award

Offering an education of great value, Skutt Catholic aspires to be financially accessible to all families seeking a Catholic education.

A quality Catholic education is something that many families desire.  Our goal is to make our Skutt Catholic financially affordable for all families who desire the best Catholic education in Omaha.  We can accomplish this with convenient ways for parents to clearly see their financial status with the school, come up with a consistent and fair way to evaluate families and their financial assistance requests, and ease increases in tuition by adding to our fundraising and endowment efforts as well as decreasing our reliance on tuition for revenue.

Wins:  FACTS payment software, Digital Purchase Order system, Divvy cards, net tuition model, financial assistance calculator and awards based on metrics

Recognizing that a school’s physical setting plays an important role in learning, Skutt Catholic aspires to provide an environment with unsurpassed facilities, innovative technologies, and inviting campus grounds.

Facilities are the first thing people see and the last thing they remember when viewing a school for the first time and during the decision making process of choosing their next school.  Our entire school system must outpace our students needs and desires.  We must constantly transform our physical structures to meet the needs of the educational components, multiple activities and family feel of the SkyHawk community.  Our facility should be evolving, active, innovative, and serve all students!

Wins:  Campus master plan – SOAR capital campaign upgrades: new front entry, choir room, art room, Biotechnology laboratory, TV/Film room, gym bleachers, HVAC system, roof, carpet, paint, lights, and expanded parking lot. We are now focusing on The Next Act capital campaign.

Enhancing the high school experience to provide an even greater level of expertise, guidance and resources to our students Skutt Catholic aspires to more actively engage alumni, parents, and the wider community.

Community is the foundation of Skutt Catholic’s success.  We would not be where we are without the support of the Omaha and SkyHawk community.  We can not forget the people and struggles that have brought us to this point and ingrain ourselves into the landscape of the growing Omaha community.  Our alumni base must be well informed and engaged in a variety of ways.  We will grow our SkyHawk family by taking care of our SkyHawk family.  This happens by supporting each other and placing value on future, current and alumni SkyHawks.  Once a SkyHawk always a SkyHawk!

Wins:  Alumni engagement, parent association growth, and partnerships with local businesses and community members.

Understanding that personal growth and development is not limited to the classroom, Skutt Catholic aspires to extend the formal learning environment for every student through a variety of high-quality co-curricular and extracurricular experiences.

What makes each of us unique?  What do we as individuals love to do?  Those are questions we must ask ourselves when we talk about the whole student.  We must cultivate our students interests by offering activities that will enhance their journey of becoming an active member of society.  We must capture the excitement of what our students love doing and give them a platform to shine!

Wins:  New activities: Esports, bowling, and co-curricular activities such FBLA and HOSA. New areas outside of athletics have emerged and are increasing student involvement and growth. Ninety-three percent of students participate in activities.

Aiming to be the premier school for exceptional employees to work, Skutt Catholic aspires to offer a work environment that values personal growth and development, inspires action, and rewards excellence.

What allows our students to succeed?  Who pushes the student experience to the highest level?  The answer is our staff.  We must have a staff that is energized and excited to come to school each day.  We need a staff that understands the services and opportunities available to them, and has an “all in this together” attitude toward our mission of “Making a Difference.”  Providing a competitive compensation package, a system of evaluation that challenges teachers to become better everyday, and opportunities for growth and development through professional and collaborative development must be our priority.

Wins:  Lunch and Learn professional learning sessions for staff, observation/evaluation program, salary structure change, and organizational change with leadership team growth

“Make a Difference” and “Christian Leaders” are the main phrases that drive our Identity

We must live our Catholic faith in and around our building and let it shine throughout the Omaha community.  What can we do as a Catholic school to help our mission of promoting justice and initiating change not only in our community, but in our world.  This starts with our service to each other and our development as Catholic individuals.  We can do this by increasing our desire to invest ourselves in each other and the needs of our Catholic community.

Wins:  Discipleship program addition, alumni seminarians, retreat changes for both students and staff, and expanded parish communication and partnerships

Advancement, the way in which you grow, move, progress and develop.  Cultivating relationships with students and family members must be natural and ongoing.

We need to nurture each person associated with the school and create a culture that others want to join. Showcasing achievements, milestones and success will deliver a clear and concise message to the Omaha community.  Our SkyHawk story must be communicated, marketed and lived by all members of the SkyHawk family.  Through the combined efforts of the advancement team and staff we will be able to accomplish the many goals and wishes of our school community.

Wins:  Advancement department structure and identity, Elite Sponsorship program, SkyHawk Fund growth, and consistent branding and communication

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